
Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG: a German international discount retailer chain that operates over 11,000 stores across Europe and the United States.


The Lidl site at Rugeley sits in a prominent location with densely vegetated boundaries on two sides and a railway embankment on one side. Our approach to the landscape planting design for Lidl at Rugeley was focused on a fully integrated relationship between the existing and proposed landscape while also adhering to client standard specifications and requirements.

In collaboration with the ecologists and arboriculturists, we explored potential options on retaining and utilising the existing vegetation to the boundaries to provide screening for the proposal and also add ecological benefits


Our approach allowed us to fully utilise the potential of the existing landscape to create a quality proposal for the new development adding to the biodiversity with native species mixes and meadow mixes. 

The proposals are currently under review for planning approval.